How to Hide Apps on iPhone or iPad without Jailbreak

Most peoples don't know about hiding apps on iPhone or iPad even iOS has given us some features to hide it. Some people don't know this and they are just trying to hide the app by download hiding apps that do not work on iPhone or iPad.

There are certain situations require to hide apps and I am talking about hiding Apps on iPhone or iPad, a situation like when someone asks you to give your phone then what should you hide first, it is quite simple.
There is no software or third party app needed in this method. Third-party apps are those apps that you download from the App Store in your device.

You can hide your Apps in just a minute without any software and jailbreak. So there is numerous way to Hide Apps on iPhone or iPad simplest and best method is iOS Content & Privacy Restrictions Feature. "Content Restrictions" feature is basically a parental control.  It has a lot of privacy restrictions on things that may be useful to you.

You have three categories in apps to hide
    1. Hide iOS Stock Apps
    2. Hide Third-Party Apps
    3. Hide Third-Party Apps according to their Age Ratings.
          To enable it, just follow the given procedure.
          How to Hide Apps on iPhone or iPad without Jailbreak and Software, The Ultimate Guide, abultimateguides
          Hide Apps on iPhone or iPad

          How to Hide Apps on iPhone or iPad without Jailbreak and Software

          • First, go to iOS Settings.
          • Tap on Screen Time.
            • Now you have to tap on "Content & Privacy Restrictions".

                • Turn the toggle On of Content & Privacy Restrictions.

                  How To Hide iOS Stock Apps

                  • iOS stock apps: The apps that have already installed in the Apple device not downloaded from App Store. 
                  • Now you have to Tap on Allowed Apps.
                  • Allowed Apps are the iPhone stock apps these are not downloaded from App Store. For example, Safari, Camera Siri & Dictation, Wallet, AirDrop, CarPlay, and News, etc.

                        • Here you can see every toggle is turned on by default and apps are shown on the iPhone screen.

                          • Then you can just disable/move the toggles/sliders for stock iOS Apps like Siri & Dictation, Camera, FaceTime, AirDrop, CarPlay, Safari, iBooks Store, etc to hide them. This is only for iOS stock Apps.
                          • Now every toggle is turn off and apps are hidden on the iPhone screen. 


                            How To Hide Third-Party Apps

                            Third-party apps are those that are downloaded from the App Store. Almost we download every app from App Store like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. In order to hide the third party Apps on iPhone or iPad follow the below method.
                            • Tap on Content Restrictions.
                            • In the Content Restrictions page, you have to tap on Apps.

                              • Here next page is open. In this Apps page if you mark the Don't Allow Apps all the third-party apps will be hidden from your device.

                                • Here you can see these are all third-party apps and by tick the Don't Allow Apps every app is hidden from the iPhone screen.

                                  Hide Apps on iPhone or iPad Based on Age Rating

                                  You can also Hide Apps based on the Age Rating
                                  There are Four options of Age Rating
                                  If you marked one of the four options 4+,9+,12+,17+  then the app will be hidden according to that age rating. 
                                  You can check out the Age Rating on the Apps Store in order to hide that Specific App.
                                  Hidden apps will also be hidden from search and remain hidden even if you restart your iPhone or iPad.

                                  • First, go to the App Store and check out the age rating of the app which you want to hide and remember one thing if you hide the 17+ age rating app then all the apps that have 17+ age rating in your device will be hidden.  
                                  • I have selected the 12+ Age Rating.

                                    • Here you can see the app who have 12+ age rating is hidden on the screen. Five apps are hidden on the screen Reddit, Tumblr, Twitter, Viber, Wattpad, and Youtube. These apps have 12+ Age Rating so these are hidden from the screen.

                                      How To Get Back Hidden Apps

                                      Now if you turn on the toggles of iOS stock Apps then apps will be visible. In order to get third-party apps back then follow the given below method:
                                      • Go to Settings.
                                      • Tap on Screen Time.
                                      • Then tap on Content & Privacy Restrictions.
                                      • Click on Content Restrictions.
                                      • Tap on Apps in the Content Restrictions page.
                                      • Mark on the Allow All Apps. All the hidden apps will come back within less than a second.



                                          • There is no way to Hide the Specific Apps in "Content & Privacy Restrictions". 

                                          Editor's Recommendation:

                                          In the case of any confusion comment below...
                                          How to Hide Apps on iPhone or iPad without Jailbreak How to Hide Apps on iPhone or iPad without Jailbreak Reviewed by Abdullah on March 31, 2019 Rating: 5


                                          1. It's really work
                                            Thanks for you info...

                                          2. Awesome Trick its really hide apps

                                          3. Thanks For sharing this article. It helps me a lot


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