How To Unblock Someone On Facebook

Most of people block someone on facebook just by chance or mistake and then they don't know how to unblock someone on facebook. But if you block someone because they are sending you direct messages, commenting on your post, sharing your post without being your friend or irritating you. Then by unblocking on facebook these problems cannot be solved. So make sure before to unblock these kinds of a person because they can irritate you again.

If you are here then probably there is a chance that you blocked someone on facebook. If you change your mind and want to unblock facebook then it is a most easier task. As you know, if you block someone on facebook then they will not be able to contact you, view your profile, or see the things that you post regularly on your timeline.

What Happen When You Unblock Someone On Facebook?
  1. Similarly, when you unblock facebook then all blocked things will unblock.
  2. They can see all the information, and post that you uploaded as public.
  3. Your comments on a public post will also be visible to them and they can contact you, send direct messages. In short, everything they can see your post which you uploaded as a public.
  4. The post that you have shared with your friends only will not be viewable to them. If they want to see your posts then they have to send you a friend request.
  5. They will not get any notification by facebook when you unblock them.

What To Do After Unblocking Someone On Facebook?

On blocking facebook account the person will remove from your friend list. And when you unblock someone on facebook then that person will not become your friend automatically. If you want to become a friend with a person then you have to send a friend request to them. Otherwise, they will not be added to your friend's list.

Is Unblocking Someone On Facebook Is Permanent?

Unblocking someone on facebook is not permanent you can block again whenever you want but if you unblock people on facebook then you cannot block them again you have to wait until the time period of 48 hours will over this is one of the Facebook policy.

How To Unblock Someone On Facebook
How To Unblock Someone On Facebook

How To Unblock Someone On Facebook

  • Open Facebook and log in to your account. Tap on the three-line menu button and then click on Settings & Privacy.

      • Tap on Settings and scroll down the setting page to the Privacy section.

          • In the Privacy section tap on Blocking. Here next page will open and on this page, you can see there are two peoples that I added to my blocked list.

              • Tap on the Unblock button just at the front of the Facebook username. Now Facebook will ask you for confirmation just tap on Unblock the person will be unblocked.

                • As you can see unblocking on Facebook is also a quite easy process, here in the picture that is given below I removed the blocked person from my blocked list.


                    I hope this article will help you if you have any question or problem, let me know in the comments! 👇👇👇
                    How To Unblock Someone On Facebook How To Unblock Someone On Facebook Reviewed by Abdullah on July 16, 2019 Rating: 5

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